20 Landscape Photography Tips and Tricks

20 Landscape Photography Tips and Tricks

20 Landscape Photography Tips and Tricks

Are you an aspiring landscape photographer looking to take better photos?  Here are 20 tips and tricks to help you take your landscape photography to the next level.  

In future blog posts we will be unpacking each of our 20 tips and tricks to give you practical examples of how to apply them.  For now, here is the raw list of tips and tricks;

  1. Look for unique perspectives - Get down low, climb up high, and look for interesting angles.
  2. Use the rule of thirds - Place your subject in one of the intersecting points of your frame.
  3. Use a tripod - Tripods offer stability and help for long exposures.
  4. Don’t forget your polarizer - Polarizers help reduce reflections and glare from water and glass.
  5. Use a wide-angle lens - Wide-angle lenses will capture more of your scene.
  6. Consider the light - Shooting during the golden hour will add warmth and drama to your scene.
  7. Use leading lines - Look for lines that draw attention to your main subject.
  8. Shoot in RAW - Shooting in RAW will give you more flexibility when editing.
  9. Take advantage of the weather - Look for interesting clouds and stormy weather to add drama to your shots.
  10. Include foreground elements - Place something interesting in the foreground to add depth to your photo.
  11. Avoid lens flare - Use a lens hood, or shade your lens with your hand to avoid lens flare.
  12. Use a graduated neutral density filter - Graduated ND filters can help balance out a bright sky and dark foreground.
  13. Experiment with panoramas - Stitch a few wide angle shots together for an amazing panoramic view.
  14. Get close - Get close to your subject for a more intimate shot.
  15. Use negative space - Place a subject in the corner or off to the side and fill the rest of the frame with negative space.
  16. Take multiple shots - Take multiple shots of the same scene from different angles and perspectives.
  17. Try long exposures - Long exposures can help blur water and clouds for an interesting effect.
  18. Shoot in burst mode - Burst mode can help you capture a perfect moment.
  19. Try HDR - HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography can help capture more details in both dark and light areas of your image.
  20. Have fun - Most important of all, have fun and experiment.

Australian Landscape Photography That Wall Art Shop Katie Fox

Australian Landscape Photography That Wall Art Shop Katie Fox

Australian Landscape Photography That Wall Art Shop Katie Fox

Australian Landscape Photography That Wall Art Shop Katie Fox

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